klovan - Geostatistics Methods and Klovan Data
A comprehensive set of geostatistical, visual, and
analytical methods, in conjunction with the expanded version of
the acclaimed J.E. Klovan's mining dataset, are included in
'klovan'. This makes the package an excellent learning resource
for Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA),
kriging, and other geostatistical techniques. Originally
published in the 1976 book 'Geological Factor Analysis', the
included mining dataset was assembled by Professor J. E. Klovan
of the University of Calgary. Being one of the first
applications of FA in the geosciences, this dataset has
significant historical importance. As a well-regarded and
published dataset, it is an excellent resource for
demonstrating the capabilities of PCA, FA, kriging, and other
geostatistical techniques in geosciences. For those interested
in these methods, the 'klovan' datasets provide a valuable and
illustrative resource. Note that some methods require the
'RGeostats' package. Please refer to the README or
Additional_repositories for installation instructions. This
material is based upon research in the Materials Data Science
for Stockpile Stewardship Center of Excellence (MDS3-COE), and
supported by the Department of Energy's National Nuclear
Security Administration under Award Number DE-NA0004104.